Friday, August 22, 2008

What would I miss if my house burned down?

This post is going to be dedicated to my many collections. I have always been a collector, ever since I began collecting Barbie dolls as 5 year old. I seem to start a new collection a couple of times per year. Due to my ever decreasing-in-size apartment, I have put beginning any new collections on hold. For now at least.

Owls- If you know me at all you know my obsession with owls. I am happy with where my collection is at and am not currently adding to it.

Photos- One of my most treasured collections. My photos are a mixture dating back to circa 1890, depicting my great grandparents, to digital captures that I really need to back up because if I lost them I would cry hard.

Memories- I often come across scraps and bits of folded up paper with messages on them. Or I'll send myself text messages to remind myself about something funny that happened or was said so that I won't forget about it. This is my favorite collection because it's not something that would be lost in a fire.

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