I found my flat/flatmate on Craigslist (which I am obsessed with) and I can't wait to move in. Anne is 26, German and works in the film industry. My other flatmate Johnathan is I believe 32 or 34, English, and also works in movies. Anne says our flat has a private garden where we can grow vegetables this summer. I am very excited for this. Some of you may know that I tried to plant flowers in my flower box outside my bedroom window last March, thinking the frost was long since gone, then the NEXT DAY it snowed and my flowers never did sprout...
The next month is going to be very chaotic for me I predict. On Thursday, my friend from Couchsurfing (Abi) is playing a show with her band at the Comet that I said I would go to. Then on Saturday The Weekends are playing at the Rose, I don't remember who The Weekends are but I must have put that in my calendar because they're good enough for a listen! March 4 is Sam's 21st birthday so festivities are in order, then for his birthday/just for fun we are going to Portland the weekend of the 6th. Also to visit cutie Portland boys and party in their neck of the woods. March 9 is Alissia's 21st birthday, festivities to be held on Tuesday, March 10 at the Wld Rose's "Taco Tuesday"...we'll see haha. Not sure if camping in the Olympic Natonal Forest is going to happen before I leave, truly disappointed about that possibility. March 20, I fly to Chicago and then to LaSalle, IL to visit one of my oldest friends Kayla, whom I haven't seen in almost 2 years. And finally, I have to make sure everything is in line for Phoebe to fly! By the way, Sam and I were discussing this very thing the other day. The image of Phoebe flying, actually flying. The window was open and she was looking outside and we both commented on how comical it would be if she just flew out the window one day and it took us hours to get her to come down. Gave us a chuckle. Also! Mon amour Holly Chernobyl is returning to the Emerald City for 10 days in March!